Working with a factory is like being adopted into a family. If you don’t feel that way, then you haven’t found what I consider to be a “good” factory. Let me explain the characters in the story starting with the decision maker.
The idiom “get into bed with someone” means to work closely as business partners, and it’s especially applicable to the garment industry. So many things can go wrong and destroy an order; it’s important for you to carefully take everything in to consideration before you jump into bed with the first factory that feels right. If there is no spark in the relationship, then proceed cautiously. The key is to find a natural fit, and then structure the deal so that both sides have a lot to win and the same to lose; then you will be fine. Sounds easy, right? Like putting socks on a rooster. Ok, let’s assume you found your true love. So, who are the people in the factory you will be working with?